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Because life is not like living in a lava lamp, although it sure feels that way…

Anywhoo… you should go beyond your comfort level!

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About Me (3rd person)

To veterinary parents, Regina was born in Japan with a leash in hand.

Creatively connected to Regina’s leash over the years were: markers, pens, pencils, chisels, chalks, files, paint brushes, dogs, cats, horses, and computer mice.

Educated in Science and Art, Regina straddled the two, much like she does the PC and Mac, applying a balanced or split- sided humor to all that she sees.

Life in Japan, New York City and Upstate New York reminded her animals and humans are very much alike.

Employment as a chemist, dog handler, horse trainer, science teacher, publicist, designer, webmaster and fine artist convinced her that animals and humans share remarkable qualities.

So in 2003 Regina started Animal Hackerz.

Today Regina lives on Mon Louis Island, Alabama, with her artist husband, Benno Kollegger, their four horses, two donkeys, three barking mice ( miniature pinschers) a wolf, an alligator and ahem, 6 cats. While the change has been drastic in many ways, the wonders of the South override.

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Serial Fiction, Editorial and Quirky cartoons brought to you by our beloved furry friends.


Art Does It and the Center for Art and Trades. News, how-to's, artist process, art-- lots and lots of art!